
Sunday, December 1, 2013


Happy first day of Advent! Meet Mr. Eager and catch up with him and all of this year's adventists at the new blog.




Sunday, November 24, 2013

30 Days Hath November

Hello there!

I've moved. To keep up with the latest pattern news, promotions, and musings, please come over to my new site and blog.

I'm just popping by to invite you to check out a wonderful event held by In the Loop yarn shop. A while back, Cheryl contacted me about participating in her 30 Day Project. Each day of November the shop's blog features an different indie designer. I am so excited to involved in this fun event. I think it's a great way to jump start holiday knitting and to stock up on patterns. And so to that end, I am delighted to offer you the Rascal Raccoon Mitts for 50% off on my day, November 24th.

This design is one of my all time favorites. It was the first pattern I ever self-published and remains my best seller. And you may know by now, it's my favorite kind of knitting…whimsical enough to bring a smile as it grows on the needles. This pattern is worked in the round from cuff to finger tips.

If you would like to knit these rascally mitts for yourself, head on over to Ravelry and enter the promo code 30dayproject when you check out. The pattern will wing it's way to you for only $2.75 usd!

Stay cozy and happy knitting!...




Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Cat's Pajamas...

Hi friends!

I am pleased to announce the release of my newest pattern, The Cat's Pajamas!...

 I had tons of fun with this pattern.  It really was a joy to work on this project from beginning to end.  You can read more details about this pattern here.

As you can see, this pattern can go from traditional kitty to fun and funky cat to suit your mood...

Oh the cuteness!  Read more about what the good folks at Spud and Chloe are saying about The Cat's Pajamas here. Those Spud and Chloe peeps are such a fun bunch!

You can purchase this pattern here.

Hoping your summer days are...well, you know...the cat's pajamas : ) Happy knitting!


Saturday, March 2, 2013


Life here in lovely Tuscany is marching on and I am brought up short by how fast the days are flying by.  I had forgotten that feeling, and how engrossing it is finding your feet and transitioning to life abroad ~ to living in very close quarters with only ourselves in a new world.  Truth be told there are ups and downs at the start of such a journey, but I have always loved the fact of it and especially coming to the other side and the realization that you are doing it and it's good.  I feel so fortunate to have had several such opportunities of "living in a bubble" with my little family.  This one has proven good in so many ways, although I have to say it's been a bit more challenging having two of our bubble mates back in the states in college.  It does help immensely knowing that they are happy and are making their way just fine without their mama close at hand.

I have a slew of images of our Italian daily life and have been posting to Instagram with regularity.  If you want a peek you can find me here.  Here's a glimpse of what you'll find there...

In other news, my sweet husband has been feathering my nest in the most admirable and generous way. How's that?...He has taken on the sluggish internet here in our apartment in an effort to spiff up my website.  This has been sorely needed for some time, and it's the kind of chore that quite honestly I will never get to.  The site is still a work in progress {I need to get in there and add images and links and info about a few more patterns}, but he has done wonders! It's as if we were house hunting and after patiently listened to my laundry list of desires {clean, uncluttered, not too stuffy...}, he just set about building me the perfect house.  Such a nice thing!  I will, for now, be posting here and on my new website, but in the next month or so will make the move permanent.  Very exciting!!

I'll leave you now. An amazingly cloudless day is beckoning here in Siena {yes!...a no umbrella day!!...I'm thinking that means spring is on her way, right?!}.

Buona Giornata tutti!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Siamo arrivati!...

We are here!...just.

After two (no three!) days of travel which involved nothing less than two 3 1/2 hour car drives, one 5 1/2 hour flight, one 3 hour flight, one train ride, one 3 1/2 hour bus ride and several hours of layovers, we are all feeling a little dazed but are no worse for wear other than being a wee bit exhausted and not being able to remember what day it is ;-) The not-so-glam bits of traveling...