He is based on Roald Dahl's title character from the book The Fantastic Mister Fox {a wonderful and beloved book in our house}. If you haven't read it, you definitely should. Like all of Roald Dahl's books, it's smart, funny, clever, and playful and was the lad's first favorite read. Can you tell he's kind of happy to have Mittster Fox around?

You'll notice that Mittster Fox can be worn on either hand, with his face on the palm or on the back of the hand—completely ambidextrous...crafty ole fox that he is.
This pattern was so much fun for me—both the designing and the knitting. I could see him so clearly in my mind, and then after some stitching and just a bit of fretting, there he was just as I had imagined him. Now, I will say that there was a point where I was a little unsure of him. Do you ever get that minor panic when you're working on something and think...cute or just totally ridiculous? But that was before he got his eyes and nose. I stopped mid-mitten and decided that I couldn't knit another stitch until this fellow had all of his facial features. And you know what?...after that he totally stole my heart. So if you decide Mittster Fox is for you, may I make just a tiny suggestion?...As soon as the face is done, give him his eyes and nose. He will chat with you for the rest of your knitting and the two of you will have ever so much more fun.
All the details for Mittster Fox can be found here. He is worked in the round, seamlessly (you knew that, right?...do I ever not knit seamlessly?) in Spud and Chloe's Fine, and I cannot say enough nice things about this yarn. It is delicious...let's just leave it at that.
This is my third design with Petite Purls. And let me just say that the three lovely ladies who put this magazine together are a really special group. It is always a pleasure and an honor to get to work with them. This issue is just gorgeous—full of lovely knits, projects and articles. Anne's Stitched Thank You Notes are especially dear. So off you go dear friends...go check out all the loveliness that is the new issue.
Happy knitting!...
ps~Oh I almost forgot...Mittster Fox has some friends who will be joining him soon, so keep in touch :)