
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nice to meet you...

This is first post. I have been dreaming of this blog for a while now, but it is this moment, the first post, that has kept me from getting started. It's a little daunting actually, and the flutter of butterfly wings—that mixture of excitement and nervousness that I feel at the beginning of any new adventure or friendship—is with me now. So, to break the ice I will begin in the old familiar way, just as I would any other friendship, with the simple phrase...nice to meet you. It is, in fact! I am hoping and looking forward to getting to know many new friends out there in the ether.

So without further ado, allow me to introduce myself...I am a mom, a wife, a maker of things and author of the soon to be published Fairy Tale Knits: 32 Project to Knit Happily Ever After (a collection of knit designs for children based on classic fairy tales). I knit, weave, bake, and try to keep up with three busy kids while living a creative, handmade life in a small mid-western town. With this blog, I hope to share my experiences on this journey. I envision lots of knitting, weaving, crafting, cooking, eating and playing along the way.

More to come.

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo! This is great! I was looking for you too (FB, Ravelry, flickr, Etsy) and see, here you are! I love that I can hear your voice as I'm reading your words. Oh, and a book?! I can't wait to lay my hands on one!

    I'm so glad to be in touch again!

