
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Can we talk?...

My recent knitting has been plagued by a series of false starts lately. Does that ever happen to anyone else? Sometimes the idea is there, the swatches are worked and the yarn is beautiful, but somewhere along the way the project just isn't quite right. That has been the case with a number of projects for me lately. What I've realized is that for some reason in this one area of my life, I'm okay with that. It feels like it is just part of the creative process. Sure I get disappointed and even discouraged when a project seems ill-fated, but it doesn't really bum me out like set-backs in other areas of my life do. I never see the time spent as wasted because, even if nothing comes from it, I have to admit that I enjoyed the knitting while I was doing it, and that's a good thing! I guess that for me the design process is sort of like a conversation. Sometimes I get on with someone right off and the connection and communion is immediate, sometimes it takes a little longer to get to a place of understanding, or the connection is great but some new piece of the puzzle enters in and changes everything, or somewhere along the way I get introduced to something else that alters the course of things. Knitting is like that for me, and the thing that I love about it is that I almost always enjoy the conversation. I wish that I could say that I am this easy going in every area of my life, but it just isn't true. Maybe even the realization of this will help remedy that, but if it doesn't do the job entirely, I know for a fact that knitting needles and yarn in my hands will get me a lot closer to a peaceful place.
I am on my way out the door to my lys—an hour drive away :( —but will return home with new yarn and the beginning of new conversaiton—love that. Here's hoping your day is full of happy knitting, peace within and peace without.

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