
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Going Batty...

:Another beautiful fall day here in the middle of the middle!...I think that an after school trip to the pumpkin patch may be in order.  I have been feeling so cozy lately, wanting to bake and knit and play house—I have to keep reminding myself that there is a lotta' cozy coming up.  But these colorful fall days are numbered, and now is the time to get out there and enjoy it.

Here's what's been on the needles this week.  In addition to the mini stockings (ahem...we're on day 21—and am frightfully behind) and the mystery sock (fun, fun, fun!), I have been working on a new treat bag for the little lad.  This project super easy and it worked up in a twinkling.  Admittedly, I did do some ripping after the lad and I consulted and he informed me that the design might be nicer if the bat didn't  have eyes (he was  right, btw), and I did have to rearrange some of the yarn overs in my original design so that the batty pattern would be easily recognizable in this thick yarn, but other than that it just flew off the needles.  Now I know that Halloween is just 10 days away (we're counting them over here), but this really does zip up and if you have the inclination and a little bulky wool in your stash, you could have this done in a flash.

Okay the name of this bag—Going Batty—isn't just about the pattern motif.  I am having a bad computer day—problems importing this pattern here, but I wanted to post it here today—it's important to have a goal.  I have saved it as a document and as a pdf and I will consult with my crack computer team later tonight to see how best to get it posted here without having to retype the whole thing.  In the meantime, just email me if you would like me to send you the pattern.  {Got this fixed—here's the link to the pattern}

Okay, officially signing off for now...pumpkin patch here I come!...xoxo—alison


  1. What a cute pattern!

  2. I love the bat! Sorry about the tech issues, but nice of you to show us this beauty.

  3. so great! what will L be for Halloween? I think I have a cowgirl on my hands... or maybe a fairy... or maybe a ballerina...

  4. L O V E I T ! My girlie is going as a Vampiress (try finding kid friendly version of that!) It would go perfect with her costume. Unfortunately I am slow knitter. I would never get it done. I'd love the pattern for next year though!

  5. Hi guys! Yeah, the computer thing is an ever humbling issue for me—I am getting better though, so there's that!
    Annri, I love that! She's a girl after my own heart. Wouldn't it be fun if we could all be a cowgirl, a fairy or a ballerina as the whim took us. As long as my guy sticks to his plan of being Robin Hood or a Pirate, we're all set and there will be no late night creating for me on Halloween Eve (for once)—fingers crossed ;)
    Kristin, good luck with your costume hunt. I know it can be tricky to find cute, kid friendly girl costumes. I'll be thinking of you!xoxoAlison

  6. This is great! I'd like to knit these for nieces and nephews!


  7. Fantastic bag! I'm going to ask 'Parkle Girl if she needs one. She's going to be some kind of Princess (I can't remember how she described it to me) AKA she's wearing the Belle costume my sister bought at Disney a couple of years ago.

  8. I love the bag! so perfect for october!

  9. Your designs are wonderful! I hope I have time to make more of them very soon.

  10. I would like that as a purse. Really. Do you knit purses?
