
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Show and tell...

Oh my!  Things really are getting away from me!...

I just realized that I never posted about the trunk show and Fairy Tale Knits book signing that the lovely ladies at Yarns Unlimited in Bloomington, Indiana are hosting this Saturday, October 10th from 1-3 pm.

I am so honored to be participating in this event, doubly so since it is the 30th anniversary of the shop.  Yes, you read right...Yarns has been helping spinners, weavers, dyers and knitters for thirty years.  Needless to say, this shop is a very special place, full of inspirational staff, positive energy and support for fiber enthusiasts from all walks of life and all levels of expertise.  When I moved to this area 13 years ago it meant leaving a town that I loved and a community of talented and supportive friends.  Yarns Unlimited made that transition a little easier for me (as they have for so many others) welcoming me with open arms and providing a warm and instructive environment.  Honestly, I can't say enough about this wonderful place.

So please, if you are in the area, come by and celebrate with us!...there will be food, fun, and, of course, lots of yarn.  I will be signing books and will have all of the samples from Fairy Tale Knits with me.  If you are unfamiliar with the book, you can read a review here.  I will also bring the Ladybug Coat (Fall Issue of Petite Purls) for show and tellI'd love to meet you if you can make it!...I'll be the one behind a big pile of little kid knits!...xoxo—Alison


  1. I wish I lived closer. Enjoy your day!! I will be closing our place on Cape Cod. One last visit to it until next spring. One good thing, I get to visit a favorite LYS in Falmouth, MA.

  2. me: "Yes, that is my famous friend, Alison. Isn't she amazing?!"

    I love you, have a bunch of fun!!!

