
Thursday, November 19, 2009

On the road again...

Hello there!...

It seems like I've been away for ages—I honestly don't know where the time goes, but go it does!  I'm recently back from a college visit with my girly.  I think this is the last one for a little while—we have the information we need and all that's left is for my sweet girl to wend her way through the winding path that is the college application process.  WoW!!!...what a lot of work that is!  It's  very different now than it was in the dark ages when I applied to college.  Now you can spend weeks of your life giving each school's website a thorough once-over—so much information to review.  And so much to prepare—forms to fill, essays to write, and audition tapes to make—a lot of work!  I find myself anxiously anticipating mid-January, when she has turned everything in, a little of the pressure is off, and we can just enjoy the remaining months of senior year without having this big to-do list hanging over the house.  It is moments like these when I am so thankful for these college visits—for the time stuck in the car with each other, driving and talking, laughing and shoulder dancing, and just being with this young woman that I love, and more importantly, that I like so much.

Home cold, wet weather...but nothing that a pitcher of sunflowers and a little origami can't fix...

The lad is working on making a collection of little boxes and containers for snacks and odds and ends...
{these pics are a lesson in perspective for me — He had a blast folding the afternoon away — what you can't see (and what I too often focus on) is the rest of the table, littered with books and art supplies, or the side board in back of him piled high with stacks of books and paper}

—oh well, it's a journey, right?



  1. mmm... swedish fish... yummy!

    you must be very proud of mal, and of your relationship; it brings tears to my eyes just imagining your bond.

  2. My eldest DD is just one year behind - this will be us next year - but although it's sad time seems to have gone so quickly since they were babes, isn't it wonderful to see them growing into such wonderful young women. I hope the process goes smoothly and she gets in to the college of her choice.
