
Friday, December 11, 2009

The hostess with the mostess...

Hi dear friends...

I've missed you these past few days...I'm still here, but am currently playing hostess to a most insistent house guest...I usually love company, but this one has me feeling tired, and everything moves at a glacial pace when this visitor is in town.  Yes, it's true, our old friend Group A Streptococcus (aka strep throat) has come to call.  It's funny, I've been dragging around all week, feeling like a total slacker, and today, when I finally went to the doctor, I was a little relieved to find out that I'm just sick—not the complete lay-about I had begun to suspect I was...Now I'm off to take that nap I've been putting off—I'll be back as soon as the antibiotics start doing their thing.

In case you were wondering...
The fingerless glove pattern is coming... It's almost ready.  I just need to get some pictures of it.  I hope to have the pdf up for you by the end of the weekend (it's important to think positively, right)...if not then, by the beginning of the week.

Take care (an apple a day and all)...



  1. I hope you feel better, Alison.

  2. We'll all be happy whenever you get that pattern up. Next week, even the week after that as long as it means you are taking time to get better! Try to rest up. As a mother to another mother it seems silly to say that since it's nearly impossible, but try!

  3. take care, Alison. i'm sorry to hear you're sick. i hope you can take it easy this weekend.

    xo - annri

  4. Sorry to hear you've hasd such an unpleasant, uninvited, guest! Hope you are recovering now.

  5. Take care of yourself, and let your wonderful family take care of you! Sorry you are sick! Let the medicine do it's work - you don't mess with strep!!


  6. oh do take care of yourself! hopefully you are better before the holidays.
