
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The remains of Thanksgiving day and a December Giveaway...

Hello, hello! good to be back with you...I hope you had a great weekend!  Thanksgiving come and gone.  It's good-bye Turkey Treats...

{don't ask...all I can say is be careful what you never know what will become a family tradition}

...and hello December... Already!...WoW!  You can just feel the energy out there...all the making and planning and busy-ness.  My mantra this year is simple and special, even so this week already looks like it will be a blur, a good blur, but a blur none-the-less.  I will stop in later and do a proper post...soon, very share a little of this...

...and the pattern and details for this ...

...but in the meantime, it's time for this...

The nice people at SewMamaSew are sponsoring this fun event.  What a great idea and a such a wonderful way to connect with some of the amazing people out there who are crafting and creating...people like you! 

This sounds like too much fun and, even though I am a Johnny-come-lately to blogging, I am so happy to be playing along this year.  I will be giving away this...

...a copy of my book, Fairy Tale Knits, and maybe a handmade goodie or two, just for holiday spirit.  {FYI—The pattern for the fingerless gloves in the picture will be included in an upcoming post}

To those of you who are new to this blog and might be asking yourselves what this book is about, I offer these words...

Fairy Tale Knits is my first book and it's a collection that is very near and dear to my heart.  It is full of designs inspired both by classic fairy tales, but also by the imaginary world and play of children.  Each design is meant to delight the wearer by invoking the feeling of the fairy tale world without being costumey.  These are the kinds of clothes that my kids  loved wearing as young children and still do—I've had many requests to size more than a few of these designs up for the teens in my life.  They are clothes—comfortable clothes with a bit of whimsy and fun thrown in for good measure.  The book also includes non-clothing items, like pillows, bags, wall coverings and blankets—colorful, functional and decorative items that are meant to appeal to a child's sense of style and imagination..kings, queens, pirates, mermaids, and  classic fairy tale characters—they are all there.  A complete gallery of the designs can be found here

So what about you?...who is your favorite fairy tale character?  Is there a fairy tale character that you would like to see represented in a child's garment or item?  If you would like to be included in this giveaway, just leave me a comment stating who /what is your favorite fairy tale or fairy tale character and I will put your name in the hat!  And to those of you outside of the US, I will happily ship to you as well—so please don't hesitate to sign up!

This giveaway will be open until December the 6th, when we will pick the winner at random.   

Have a great day and happy knitting!...xoxo—Alison


  1. Woo hoo! I'm first!

    My favorite fairytale character has to be Beauty from the story Beauty and the Beast. I think the story illustrates that what a person is like on the inside is way more important than what they look like on the outside. :-)

  2. Although she's not in a fairytale, she is a fairy - I LOVE Tinkerbell. She's spunky, loyal, and spreads pixie dust. I also love Sleeping Beauty. Who doesn't dream about her Prince?

    The stockings look great!

    Thanks Alison!

    PS: Love the turkey treats. My Mom made some cupcake turkeys that belonged on cakewrecks!!!

  3. My favorite fairy tale character is Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. I LOVE her.

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  4. Thanks for the cute giveaway and including overseas posters! My favourite fairytale character has to be Thumbelina. There's just something enticing about a girl so small she sleeps in a walnut shell and who marries the prince of the flowers and lives in a flower castle!

  5. tmy vote goest to the clever youngest billy goat gruff who defeated my most feared character in fairytaledom - the troll who lived under the bridge. the troll terrified me for some reason - I still have to check under small countryside bridges just in case....

  6. thanks for the giveaway, my favourite would be peterpan!

  7. My favorite would be Alice from Alice in Wonderland. I think she is depicted in a few fabrics, but not enough. =)

  8. mine it the princess from the princess and the pea. my boys would say robing hood.

  9. True confessions- I don't knit but I WANT to. So here goes! I was never very girly and didn't have a favorite princess, but I was girly enough to be enamored with Prince Charming. :) Now my 2 year old is into all-things-princess so I'm getting a good dose of it now! Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. What a great giveaway! When I was little my Dad would read to me each night from the Brothers Grimm - I just pulled the book of the shelf, it's inscribed "Merry Christmas 1983" (I was 5! wow!) and I think one of my favorites has always been "Ashenputtel" aka Cinderella. I look forward to someday reading this with my daughter!

  11. I would have to say Cinderella, but I love all princesses (I was a girly girl growing up). I looked at the gallery of knits this book has and I am so excited. They are really well done where they look like fairy tail without being costume-y. I love the chain mail shirt.

  12. Hum, my favorite fairy tale character would be Merlin as described in "l'enchanteur", a novel by the french author Barjavel...
    Please count me in !

  13. What a wonderful giveaway. My favorite fairy tale character would either be The Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland or the Wicked Queen from Snow White. I'd love to see a "bad girl" pattern, but not too bad. :)

  14. I am sooo impressed! I just came through SMS and your knits for kids are just so... whimsical! :) I've always had a soft spot for Cinderella. Dreamy! Thanks for this giveaway, it is very generous!

  15. Thank you for joining in the giveaway! I'd have to say my favorite fairy tale character are the three fairies in Sleeping Beauty. I love that they use their fairy magic to protect Aurora Rose!

  16. Beautiful knits. But it's not fair to ask me to pick just one favorite fairy tale character - I love them all.
    Since I have to pick just one today - it would be the Twelve Dancing Princesses. I love the idea of dancing all night, wearing out my dancing shoes.

  17. Oh I love your book but haven't been able to order it yet (Christmas gifts for 8 grandchildren must come first!).
    Anyhoo, my favorite fairy tale . . . hmmmmm, a hard one, but I'd have to say Snow White -- love the cosy cottage in the woods and the homey makeover.

  18. Alice in Wonderland or Tinkerbell would be fun... What a great giveaway!

  19. I have to go with Beauty from Beauty and the Beast. Largely because I always loved her yellow dress in the Disney movie.

  20. Those stockings are so cute! Favorite fairy tale character would have to be The Ugly Duckling.

  21. My favorite fairy tale has to be Snow White! She's a timeless classic and I just introduced my daughter to the movie for her 5th birthday!

  22. i like little red riding hood - she looks so cute !

  23. my fav is Beauty - an Robin McKinley writes my favorite retelling of that story - titled, Beauty

  24. My favorite character is Ella - a more modern twist on the old Cinderella. She embodies a strong female character who holds true to her beliefs, regardless of the circumstances life has given her, and follows her heart, saving others along the way. The book is truly one I can enjoy with my children and one which sets a fine example of a strong female for my daughter.

    The photos from your book are gorgeous. I've just gotten back into knitting because my 5 year old daughter wanted to learn. We've been spending time sitting together working on knitting. She would absolutely love your clothing.

  25. Always love the Pincess and the Pea!
    Would love your magical book, too!

  26. My favorite fairy tale character is Puss in Boots. Your book looks like it would be a lot of fun to own.

  27. Ah, I requested that my library buy this book and they didn't because I've requested too many knitting books lately, ha ha! It looks like so much fun though.

    I'd love to see a gnome costume/knit!

  28. Do you consider Ariel from little mermaid a fairy tale character. I loved her as a child and now my DD is all about mermaids. Your book looks amazing. Thank you for this opportunity.

  29. Rapunzel always had a strength to her. Some princesses get bruises from peas, others can hold a man clear off the ground using just their hair.

  30. hmm, i've never been one for the conventional damsel in distress character, but i recently read 'the firebird' by mercedes lackey, and i love the main character, Ivan, who is a staple in Russian fairytales. in lackey's book, he is clever and brave, though the black sheep of his family...

  31. Ooh, I'd love to win a copy of your book. The chain mail sweater is great! Perfect for my little guy. The costumes I dressed up in most as a child were from the Grimm Brother's Fairytale of Snow White and Rose Red, the twins, yet very opposite girls, who together save a prince from his enchantment by an evil dwarf. I think those would be good.
    ps: here's my blog url, as I don't actually have a blogger blog, but use my blogger id to comment on blogger blogs.

  32. I don't have a favourite fairy tale character, but the tale that comes to mind as my favourite right now is Cap O' Rushes.

  33. I love this idea...Of course I have to pick a lady person for me...Anastasia but seeing that things would be for my son I would say Robin Hood or Peter Pan. This is a GREAT giveaway!

  34. Thanks for this giveaway, I love to win because I am a knitter(look at my Flickr stream on my blog). I am dsutch and when I was a child I remember 'kabouter Piggelmee', it is the story of a little gnome and his wife.
    on my blog is also a giveaway:

  35. Thanks for the giveaway! I'd have to say I love Peter Pan. I love the adventure and magic of the story :)

  36. My favorite fairy tale character is Belle. I love fairy tales!! Keep the dream alive :)

  37. What a neat book! My all-time favorite fairy tale character is Cinderella.

  38. My favourite fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast. And thank you so much for hosting the giveaway!

  39. My favorite character(s) are Hansel and Gretl. I completely understand getting tricked by a house made out of candy :) I love your designs (I've only seen them on ravelry), and would love my very own copy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  40. These are absolutely adorable projects! My favorite fairytale is the classic Cinderella. You can't get better than that!

  41. How lovely it was to think of favorite fairytale figures. I have to favorites - Little Red Riding Hood and Tinkerbell, just because she is sweet and cute...and yet gets so angry and jelous too :)

  42. Hansel and Gretl are definitely a favorite.

  43. I always loved Thumbilena.She would look cute on some clothes as tiny as she is.

  44. i LOOOOOVE tinker bell! and I can't wait for your recipe!

  45. Little Red Riding hood fan right here. I just love it b/c she's folksy and woodsy....good stuff.

  46. I love Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Tiger Lily from Peter Pan and Arial from the Little Mermaid.

    I love it when people wear feathers in their hair (like Tiger Lily) I think it is such a cute trend!


  47. My daughter is absolutely obsessed with The Little Mermaid, so that one is growing on me!

  48. Cinderella is my favorite by far, I've watched many versions of it! And, the girl gets Prince Charming part never gets tired, if it's not too sappy.


  49. I'm doing a huge project on fairy tales as part of my master's degree, so reading these comments was seriously fun! My favorite stories as a child were Snow White and Rose Red and The Twelve Dancing Princesses. I've been eyeing your book - my daughter would love some of the patterns!

  50. Hi,
    My favorite fairy tale is I think Sleeping Beauty, and the fairies in the Disney version were always my favorite, if that counts - However, the multiple retellings of Beauty and the Beast by Robin Cooks and others have led me to love Belle as well.

  51. I don't know what my favorite fairy tale is, but what a cool book! :)

  52. My favorite fairy tale was rumplestiltskin :)

  53. Your book looks so fun! I don't know about favorite fairy tale character, but my favorite story is about the 12 dancing princesses. I probably like the prince in there the best, because he chose to marry the youngest because of her personality.

  54. hi
    love those turkeys!
    my favourite character has to be the princess in "the princess and the pea" my favourite fairytale of all time!
    gill x

  55. I love Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I saw it in a Little Theater production as a child (before Disney ruined it) and have always loved her strong will and her loyalty!

  56. my favorite character from a fairy tale would have to be Cinderella.

  57. My favorite fairy tale character is any of the gals that like to read! Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Alice from Alice in Wonderland and Wendy from Peter Pan. I guess that's the librarian in me... :) Although I should probably say Rumpelstilsken for this contest since he's a pretty hardcore spinner. I'm sure he knits as well.

  58. oh, i love cinderella. i think she is my absolute favorite.

  59. I don't know which is my favorite - my daughter will say Cinderella - but as a three year - this changes daily. I love your book. I had to tell my brother about the book so they could think about making a play castle for my daughter and use the banners for the castle.

  60. I had not seen your book until I popped over here from Sew Mama Sew... what a beautiful collection. I am in love with every single pattern!

    As for my favorite character, I have always had a soft spot for sleeping beauty!

  61. My favorite fairytale character is Cinderella. I don't really have a reason except maybe just her purity of heart. I am just learning to knit so I think your book would be a lot of fun. Thank you for taking part in this event. Your site also is a lot of fun to browse.

  62. I just came across your blog from the Sew Mama Sew blog and I LOVE it! I love the whimsy for children (and adults!!) and would love to get my hands on your books. I may have to put it on my Christmas list "just in case" I don't win :-) My favorite fairy tale character/story is Sleeping Beauty. I've always loved it! Although any of the disney princesses are great!

  63. Princess and the Pea! Although the Three Billy Goats Gruff is very popular around my house as well.

  64. Your book is gorgeous! I'd have to say Little Red Riding Hood.

  65. I'm partial to Little Red Riding Hood.

  66. i'm all girly girly so it's a tie between Beauty, Aurora and Cinderella, in this order. And i also like Ariel, from Little Mermaid, but i don't know if she counts as a fairy tale character, because she is so Disney-ish. I'm more into the classics...

  67. Happy holidays! I love Ariel from the Little Mermaid!

  68. My favorite character is belle from beauty and the beast because looks don't matter!

  69. My favourite would be pocahontas. I just love how strong she is and her dedication.

  70. My favorite character is the dog with eyes as huge a saucers! I would love to win a copy of your lovely book( ps your stocking wreath looks amazing!):)

  71. My favorite fairy tale is Sleeping Beauty - I played her in a ballet production in high school, so she has a special place in my heart :-)
    P.S. Awesome giveaway - your book looks charming!

  72. I like The Princess and the Pea, but I can't really pinpoint why. I think it's the true nature within, something like that. I also really want that adorable book. Thanks so much for the chance!

  73. I love fairy tales from around the world.
    One of my all-time favorites is Hansel & Gretel. The original story is so disturbing and fascinating. The idea of a cottage made of sugar is just too tempting.


  74. Oh wow! My son has been asking me for a Robin Hood costume. He seems to think I need to make his costume for next Halloween right now! My favorite character--Baba Yaga.

  75. I'm so glad I found your blog through's great! I love to knit and sew so your giveaway is absolutely perfect. I have a little girl who's under 2 so your book would be perfect! As for my favorite fairy tale character, I'd have to say Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood.
    Thanks for a great giveaway...I'm crossing my fingers...

  76. little red riding hood is the best!

    Please enter me in the draw!

  77. I love the photos of all of the items from your book. They are all absolutely beautiful!

    My favorite fairy tale is Snow White and Rose Red, and I was delighted to see that is is a favorite of another poster here, too. My grandmother had the book when I was a child and I just loved to read the story. I have since purchased my own copy and it wasn't that long ago that I read it to my niece.

  78. This looks like the sweetest little book. I hope I win it! My favorite fairy tale is The Paper Bag Princess. She may not be the most elegant of the princesses, but she certainly has a good head on her shoulders.

  79. ooo- I am a sleeping beauty girl, having been read a most beautifully illustrated version of the tale many times as a child. Although my little one is still too young to appreciate it, I am always so happy when she drags over the old Children's treasury that I remember so well. I love the book - you did a most magical job!

  80. I just told my students the story of Rapunzel, so I'll choose her. Thanks for the fun contest!

  81. I'm gonna say Peter Pan because that's who my little guy went as for Halloween!

  82. My favorite is Little Red Riding Hood. She has always fascinated me!

    What a wonderful giveaway -- I would love to have your book!

  83. Little Red Riding Hood, for sure. Such a creepy story, with such great visuals just from the names of the characters. Your book looks wonderful, I am excited to have a chance to win it!

  84. My mom has been drooling over this book, she's the knitter of the family and we're the happy and lucky receipients of her talent! Would love to show up and casually give this to her for no reason! My favorite fairy tale character is the little mermaid.

  85. i love peter pan!

    i've seen this book before, i would love to win it!!

  86. oh my! i would love to have that book in my hands!.. My favourite must be snow white because she's got dark hair, like me, lives in a small cozy house in the woods, just like I would love to live and at the end she gets to be saved by the most handsome prince.. Who does'nt like that?

  87. Thank you for a chance at this lovely book. i am new to knitting and would enjoy this book. favorite fairy tale princess? probably cinderella since that is my daughters...right now. thanks!

  88. I'm not sure its a fairy tale really, but I have always loved Alice in Wonderland. So much color and creativity , just love it!

  89. Wow! I would love to win that! And my favorite fairy tale - Cinderella! I love her! :)

    megan.nadalet at gmail dot com

  90. My favorite fairy tale character is Snow White, probably because this is my daughter's (age 3) most common request lately! I love how she was the fairest one of all, inside and out. It's good to have that kind of example to show a little girl; she isn't only beautiful but also kind to other people and to animals. I would love a copy of your book, thank you for the opportunity!

  91. My favorite fairy tale character is Cinderella. I think many women identify with her - put upon, their true value overlooked, I'm really a princess, etc. I hope there is a Cinderella pattern in your lovely book.

  92. I'm not sure if it would REALLY be a fairy tale, but I love Guinevere.

  93. My favorite fairytale character is Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I browsed through this book before and I have to say, it is projects like these that make me wish I could knit. It is full of wonderful and beautiful items. Thankfully, my mother-in-law knits and the book would go right to her with my order. ;)
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  94. Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.
    Love the giveaway!

  95. Rapunzel is the best! And what an awesome book! - Morgan

  96. I'm a big Peter Pan fan, myself. Flying, having adventures, staying young ... What's not to love?

  97. My favorite would be Brer Rabbit. Love the attitude and slyness. What a wascally wabbit! Jane

  98. I have always been compared to Snow White (fair skin & dark hair), but I could always relate to the brainy Belle with my nose stuck in a book and always dreaming up new adventures. Thanks for offering up a copy your is a gem! I recently stumbled upon it on an end cap at a book store and I fell instantly IN LOVE!

  99. My favorite fairy tale character is Little Red Riding Hood. She always reminded me of myself, what with the not listening to her mama and all. Thanks for the fab giveaway!

  100. My fave fairy tale character is thumbelina. She goes searching for her prince! I love stuff in minature too! thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

  101. My favorite would be Snow White!

  102. know, Baba Yaga fascinates me. She's so morally ambiguous, like an animal. Not good, not bad- just what she is :)

  103. what an amazing sounding book - my fingers are crossed.

    thanks for sharing!

  104. Wow, what a great looking book!

    I love Goldilocks :) Such a great tale.

  105. Oh, what a magical book of patterns! My favorite fairy tale character has always been Cinderella, as represented by Lesley Ann Warren in the 1965 movie! I loved the gown she wore to the ball.

  106. She might not be considered a fairy tale character, but my favourite character is Pippi Langstrømpe (Pippi Longstocking)
    I looove what she stands for and how she approaches the world :)

  107. My absolute favorite's Elisa from Hans Christian Andersens 'The Wild Swans', some awful things happen to her but all she cares about is knitting those shirts to save her brothers.

    That book looks gorgeous, I'm sure my niece would love every single pattern in there :)

  108. My favorite is Sleeping Beauty. It has something to do with the spinning wheel, but come to think of it, I wonder what she pricked it on?

    thanks for the chance to win! Your book looks beautiful!

  109. What a wonderful book. My favorite fairy tale charector would be the fairy godmother.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  110. I love knitting and have a little two-year-old girl for whom I would love to try some of your designs! My favorite fairy tale character is the Princess and the Pea. Thanks!

  111. My favorite fairy tale character is definitely the little mermaid! Your designs are lovely!

  112. So Generous! My favorite is either Red Riding Hood ( I love red.) Or Sleeping Beauty.

  113. I had no idea that I was about to stumble upon the blog of the book that I have been admiring lately! Love it, what a wonderful giveaway. And, in the land of fairy tales, I really adore Princess and the Pea.

  114. Beautiful book! I love Rapunzel, but all that hair makes it too much of a mess for dress up around here.

  115. I would have to say that my favorite character is Gretel from Hansel and Gretel.

    What an awesome drawing! :)

  116. My favorite fairy tale of all time (well story really) is The Wizard of Oz. BUT my favorite character is Aeriel from The Little Mermaid :)

    Would love to have a copy of your book!

  117. The Cheshire cat. Alice really amazes me. But I think we all love Little Red Riding Hood, don't we?

    Thanks a lot for sharing!

  118. My fave is the Ugly Duckling...don't know how you would characterize that into an outfit though. I love the idea of your book....I have 8 grandkids so far all under 5 and they love to dress believes she IS a princess...this would be great for grandma's idea corner, where a little bit of magic can transform my house into a castle or ship!

  119. My daughter is very into fantasy and fairy tales, so this would be perfect for our house. My favorite character would have to be the Beauty (Belle in the Disney version) from Beauty and the Beast. To be so sure of yourself and see to the inner heart of others is an inspiring trait.

  120. I lvoe the little mermaid!
    meganlfuchs at gmail dot com

  121. Saw your book the other day at a store and it is gorgeous! Does Pinocchio count as a fairy tale?

  122. I have to go with Cinderella. Love the romance. Thanks for the giveaway!

  123. I love Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Great giveaway!

  124. i'm with little red riding hood because everyone looks better in a little red cape and a basket of goodies...

  125. :) Great giveaway! I'm salivating over that book! My favourite fairytale character is probably the frog from the Princess and the Frog. lol

  126. I've always loved Snow White - it was the first movie I ever saw in a theatre, so the tale stuck with me.

  127. I love Sleeping Beauty's Aurora... Great giveaway!

  128. Snow White is my favorite. Thank you for your kindness and generousity (even if I'm not the winner!)

  129. ooh boy, do i ever love books! thanks for the opportunity to enter your awesome giveaway!
    my favorite fairy-tale character would probably be belle of beauty and the beast, possibly because she reminds me a lot of me. *grin*
    happy holidays!
    sarita0818 at comcast dot net

  130. Congrats on the book! Sleeping Beauty is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway. alusco(at)centurytel(dot)net

  131. I have always loved the Bab Yaga stories. I like my fairy tales dark. :)

  132. I've always loved Belle from Beauty and the Beast! I thought she was so beautiful in her yellow ball gown when I was little!

  133. Although I am sure all fairy tale princesses could be me! I think I am most like Snow White. I live very near to the woods and am sure the animals all understand me! :)

    What a wonderful treat of a giveaway! I have only ever knitted dish cloths or scarfs (very simple ones) so I would love to try some other designs. Right now I am crocheting a sweater...for me of course! :)

    Happy Thursday.

  134. I'm going to say Alice in Wonderland. My daughter is opessed with her right now with the movie coming out. So we are collecting anything Alice.

  135. I love Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. I always thought her Prince was the foxiest !

  136. My favourite fairy tale character... that's a tough one as I rather like all of them!

    But I like Thumbelina best (right now anyways). She doesn't let how small she is gets in her way!

    I'm rather small in stature as well and often get mistaken as a teenager. Makes it rather hard to be taken seriously but Thumbelina inspires me on!

  137. Having a two year old granddaughter - oh how great it would be to make a little red riding hood sweater or cape! I learned to knit from my Mom and my Nana when I was a child and really enjoy it even though I don't do it as often as I did when we lived in the cold North. What a fabulous giveaway :)

  138. I can't decide, either. I love fairy tales! So, hmmmm. . . Red Riding Hood, of course. Alice, of course. All of the Darling children from Peter Pan. I could go on and on . . .

  139. I always wanted to be Cinderella... what a fabulous book!

  140. I love Rapunzel, for sure!


  141. Beautiful book!

    I'm not sure Alice in Wonderland really counts as a fairy tale, but I do like her. She's spunky and adventurous!

  142. What a gorgeous book! I'd love to get a copy of that! My favourite fairy tale character... hmmm... well, I love Orson Scott Card's Sleeping Beauty. He set the story in Medieval Russia, and it's absolutely captivating.
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  143. I would love this book!
    My favorite fairy tale character is red riding hood, I always dressed up with her and would bring my grandma lunch in a basket (she lived next door)
    Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  144. I always had a special place in my heart for "The Fisherman and his Wife", not really a good story for making fanciful outfits, but I always liked the message. Number two would be "Beauty and the Beast".

  145. I think my favorite fairy tale character is Ariel from the little mermaid. I wartched the film over and over again when I was a kid.

    Thanks for the giveaway! Happy holidays!


  146. My favorite fairy tale character is Alice in Wonderland....just reminds me of myself. :) Thanks!

  147. I love your book. My favourite fairy tale character is Morgiana from the Tale of Ali Baba and the Forty Theives. She is such a wonderully brave and resourceful girl. If she doesn't count (1001 nights and a night is possibly not a real "fairy tale") then Little Red Riding Hood is always very well loved in our house :)

  148. Well I don't know if Greek myths count as fairy tales or not, but I was very keen on Athena when I was young, I thought she was beautiful and smart and I liked that she went into battle with a shield and spear. How very empowered of me eh? :) From more traditional fairy tales I quite liked Rose Red and Snow White - the imagery really appealed to me.

    The book looks lovely, so glad to have discovered it.

  149. I really like the czar Saltan fairy tale from Russia. The images from my storybooks had these long fur trimmed coats and long light dresses/robes and it was just so captivating to my mind at 6-7-8 and even now as an adult.

  150. I'd love to win a copy of your book. I'm not a great knitter but I'd love to try some patterns. My favorite fairy tale princess is Sleeping Beauty (not Disney). I had a book at my grandparents with a Sleeping Beauty story that I would read every time I visited them.

  151. I love Cinderella. And it doesn't hurt that she hangs around with some seriously cute mice (and lives in a great castle at Disney World :-)). Sarah

  152. Oh to knit such GLORIOUS things....such talent!! I would have to say that growing up I was definitely more of a "Wendy" from Peter Pan...I was always taking care of friends that refused to grow up!! :) But now that I am older and a momma, I relish the thought of keeping my children YOUNG for as long as possible and NOT let them grow up too fast!! My oldest daughter's favorie is Ariel, my younger daughter loves Belle!! Thanks for giving!!

  153. Your book sounds lovely! My daughter is totally in love with princesses, always dressing up. My favorite is probably Cinderella

  154. With 3 Princesses - Grand Daughters - this book would inspire me to make them some treasures. What fun! Right now they are leaning towards- Tinkerbell though! Have a great Holiday and thanks for the giveaway!

  155. At this moment it is the princess from the Princess and the Pea because I saw a really cute handmade set with a stack of tiny quilts.

  156. My favorite is East of the Sun West of the Moon

  157. Hmmm, one of my favourite fairy tales is Little Red Riding Hood, or Little Redcape. In the folk tale's original forms of course!

  158. My favorite is the title character from Thousandfurs, who had a dress made of sunlight, a dress made of moonlight and a dress made of starlight...sounds like a good wardrobe.

  159. I'm just an old-fashioned girl. Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale character.

  160. Right now my children are enjoying the three billy goats gruffs. But one of my favorite is Goldilocks and the three bears.
    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway

  161. I would love to win the book, I've had it on my wishlist forever! My fave fairy tale character has to be little red riding hood - something about that red cape that just does me in :)

  162. Wow. Awesome giveaway. I think my fav is Beauty or Cinderella.


  163. What a great question!

    I would have to say that my fav fairy tale is Beauty and the Beast~ not the Disney version, mind you, but the old fairy tale.

    Now I'm gonna go red the other comments to see what other fairy tales were mentioned. How fun!

  164. Just had a look at the photos on Ravelry! I have now decided Robin Hood is my favourite fairy tale character, especially in that sweater!

  165. I'd have to say my favorite fairy tale character is Snow White. :)

    Leah ~ terrytribe AT gmail DOT com

  166. How funny - I thumbed through your book today at Barnes and Noble! It's beautiful!!! My favorite fairy tale is "Alice in Wonderland." Does that count as a fairy tale? I like that Alice is quite snarky!

  167. This one is on my christmas list! hope I win!

  168. Lovely! Thanks for the chance to win. I like just fairies in general.

  169. Oh! I would love to get this book! It looks scrumptious!


    P.S. I'm not sure if I've already entered this giveaway or not. Please disregard if I already entered.

  170. I think my favorite would be Belle of Beauty and the Beast. Thanks for the chance to win!

  171. I'll have to go with cinderella, but not the disney version, the Ever After version.

  172. My favorite fairy tale character is the princess from the princess and the pea.

  173. A book after my own heart! My favorite fairy tale as a child was "The Twelve Dancing Princesses" by the Bros. Grimm.

  174. So with a name like Greta you get asked about Hansel a lot growing up. I would still have to say that Gretal is my favorite character though. I mean the girl was nothing if not smart. So at least I always had that going for me :)

  175. As a kid, I like Sleeping Beauty.

  176. One of my favorites has always been the 12 Dancing Princesses. Dancing all night......

  177. I love Beauty and the Beast... and Peter Pan.

    Great giveaway!

  178. I don't know if it is a fairy tale or something more modern, but my sister and I loved the story of the Little Tailor, who "killed seven with one blow." Even at young ages we were apparently able to appreciate irony. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway!

  179. Fairy godmother from Cinderella!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  180. My favorite fairy tale is probably the Brother's Grimm version of Cinderella. It's a bit more graphic than the Disney version, but it just makes it that much more imaginative!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  181. My favorite fairy tale character is Belle. She loved to read and had unconditional love. Your book is beautiful.

    Happy Holidays

  182. Hmm, favorite fairy tale character is Sleeping Beauty, used to want her dress in the Disney version that changes from pink to blue and back again.

  183. I have always liked Little Red Riding Hood. She's got a little spunk! I can't wait to win! (Think positively right?)

    Thank you!

  184. My favorite is Briar Rose, the poor girl just wanted to spin some wool!

  185. I've always loved Cinderella. Love that happy ending! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  186. the Emperor (emperor's new clothes)..I can just see a bright colored jacket or something similar

  187. hmmm...I really like the princess in "The Princess and the Goblin" by George McDonald. And I LOVE your advent calendar!
    seemommysew @ gmailDOTcom

  188. Wow it's hard to decide - I love Tinkerbell, Buttercup - The Princess Bride and so many others! Thanks for the chance - can't wait for the info on the fingerless gloves

  189. I love Beauty and the Beast and Belle is so wonderful!
    jinglesells at gmail dot com

  190. I just love Belle/Beauty from Beauty and the Beast. She looks at everything with such an optimistic point of view. Seeing the beauty in everything. :)

  191. I love Tinkerbell, she is my favorite. Such a little stinker, but so very cute!

    please check out my giveaway if you get the chance!

  192. What darling knits! My little girl would love these. It's hard to separate her loves from mine, because I almost said my favorite is Cinderella - but wait! That's her favorite! I think my favorite is The Princess and the Pea because I can relate a little too much to that story.

  193. I always really like rumpelstiltskin and hansel & gretel. They were different from most of the stories and I really enjoyed them as a kid and still do.

  194. Yes, I have the Disney movie in mind when I say this, but I've always liked Briar Rose in the forest from Sleeping Beauty.

    Thank you for having this giveaway!

  195. I always liked Beauty from Beauty and the Beast. She always seemed like the only heroine that was actually a real person, rather than a princess. I used to read all the Grimm's fairy tales when I was a kid, and loved them, but the...grimness...of the tales kind of corrupted the Disney versions.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    embyrfire [at] hotmail [dot] com
