
Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday fun...

Just a bit of whimsy today...and a smile to go with your morning coffee.  A friend forwarded this to me and I thought many of you would like it.  It is an amazing little video and one that I think will appeal to knitterly types and others as well.  You should also check out this short on the making of the video.  I love them both and have played and replayed amazing and the sort of images that I happily can't stop thinking about {and don't want to}.  Can't you just feel the creativity and the energy oozing from that project?  To say that I find these videos inspiring would be a gross understatement...I'm in love...tototally and completely...absolutely crushing on them.  
Another new's a horrible picture of a darling top that I adore.  Meet Liesl...
I really am sorry about the picture—it really is wretched {what's with that face and weird stance?}, but I love this garment so much that I am swallowing my pride to share it with you.
It is a cocoknits pattern. Do you know these wonderful designs?...she seems to specialize in fun, wearable styles.
As you will notice, I changed the neckline of my Liesl a little—a late night knitting mistake that I discovered as I was knitting it and decided to embrace {so much quicker than ripping out and reknitting}.  Thankfully, I like it this way, though I might make another version of this using the original neckline. This is the project that went on and came off of my needles over spring break—so a fairly fast, if slightly boring and tedious knit {a lot of stockinette}. I worked my top in Berrocco's Naturlin—nice to knit with, very drapey and comfortable to wear.  As an added bonus, people apparently love this top...even those who don't normally notice of or comment on my knitting attire, admire this top {and fyi...I've seen it knit up in a variety of other yarns knit and worn by women of completely different body types}.  It's one of those patterns that seems to flatter that!  I'm wearing mine with leggings to show the shaping {and because they are just so darn comfy, and I am big into comfy}, but it looks darling over jeans and skirts as well.

Before I go...thanks for the Wocket love.  The inventor sends his thanks as well.  He presented this week with much success.  As the mama, I'm delighted that he made an A+ on this project, but to my thinking the real success was the imagining, creating and crafting of it...but then again, me being me, it would be, right?

Hope you have a sunny and wonderful weekend!  Sending many happy thoughts your way...



  1. You are so cute! The top is fabulous on you... of course. Are those pockets?! Awesome.

    Congratulations to L! That acknowledgement from teacher might boost his sewing interest... smart teacher! :)

    xo - annri

  2. Thanks Annri! Yes, the Liesl has pockets!...big fan of pockets, I am.
    This just in...
    I just sent my husband a link to the video shorts that I gushed about in this post—the ones that I'm so ga-ga about. When I asked if he didn't just love them so much and find them completely inspiring, he replied, "You mean that scary video where yarn is taking over the world?"
    :)He was joking {I think} but it's all about perspective, I guess—although I suppose living in this house, having everything covered in knitting might be a legitimate fear...

  3. You do look comfortable! Nice :)

  4. Very fun, swingy top, Alison. It looks great on you! Cocoknits' designs are wonderful and wearable, I agree.

    Oh, and I never mentioned it before, but your Snow Queen coat is possibly the most amazingly perfect, girly dream coat in all of creation. I would immediately become Lucy Pevensie if ever I could shrink down to fit into it. Magical!

  5. Your Liesl top looks lovely, Alison - I love the look of the wool too. Thanks so much for the links about the gas advert- wow. I especially love the knitted kettle cover. Just a bit sad that to make it work everything was unravelled!
