
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring peepers...

Peep love...This picture pretty much says it all!  This is my middle man getting ready to partake of his favorite springtime treat.  Look at that face...that is one happy kid!  He's rejoicing over the fact that he can actually eat the Peeps in his Easter basket this year {he recently had his braces removed—nice teeth, no?}.  I love these little marshmallow guys too—I never actually eat them {too sweet for me}, but I love how they look—all chubby, colorful and happy, so I was absolutely charmed when I saw this!...How fun is that?...I love it!  The thought and sense of humor that went in to making all of those scenes just makes my day {and of course it makes me want to play along...I think we might just have to try our hand at creating our own Peep diorama next year!}.
Anyway, enough silliness for now.  I'm off to enjoy this gorgeous day {first Easter in a while that hasn't been cold and rainy}.  Hope you are enjoying a beautiful and joyous spring day wherever you are!


ps—Before I go I want to share our Easter eggs with you...
This is the second year in a row that we have tie dyed some of our eggs.  It is so much fun and so easy!


  1. OOOh, your eggs came out looking so cool! This is the first year I heard about the tie dying and I cant wait to try them next year. Btw, that story on the Peeps dioramas was hysterical, thanks!

  2. ah, peep love, it runs rampant here too!

    your eggs are beautiful!

    xo - annri

  3. What funky eggs - gorgeous!
    I'm glad you've had good weather - over here in England it is cold and rainy (again!)
    Love the look of those peeps ( perhaps just to look at rather than eat) - we don't get them over here.

  4. Great-looking eggs! Makes me wish I'd thought ahead and made some. Ah, next year...

  5. Wow - those eggs are gorgeous - and the teeth too! LOL. Enjoy that sun, as Gillian said it is cold and wet here again, I am just getting my sunshine from other peoples blogs! :D
