
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hanging on to summer...

Okay, so posting by phone from the mountains...not so much.  It seems that my posts didn't make it all the way through and ended up abbreviated and a bit choppy.  So sorry to those of you who received my mixed-up missives.  It was worth a try though, and who knows maybe I'll figure it out before my next get-away.  I love the idea of the quick pic and three sentence away-from-home post, but then again, I guess that's what Twitter is for, right?

Anyway, we are indeed back home.  Our visit to the mountains was idyllic in every way and was exactly what we all needed.  Here's a peek at the face of our summer vacation... 

...big smiles and floaty relaxation all

Now that we're home, we are back at it {and how!} of our bunch is already in school {so not right} and the rest of us are getting ready for the start of a new semester.  It promises to be a big one around these parts, full of change and lots of firsts—more about that another day.  Anyway, suffice it to say that we've hit the ground running.  It's amazing how many directions five people can fly in at one time.   All the hubbub makes our little break feel even more precious and I am trying to hang on to every bit of it that I can, in every way that I can.  I've been living on a steady diet of tomatoes, basil and olive oil...YuM...
{really, is there anything better than toasted crusty bread, rubbed with a clove of garlic, and then buried under ripe tomatoes and basil with a drizzle of good olive oil and a sprinkling of salt and pepper?, I don't think there is}. 
I've been knitting and crocheting every possible moment...
Okay, the knitting isn't so different, but me crocheting and not griping that crochet isn't knitting is definitely a new thing.  I think that all of that yummy color must be doing it for me.  I'll post more about this little {actually not-so little} project very soon.

And lately I've become quite adept at ignoring the piles of laundry and stacks of books and yarn covering every available surface of our house—I figure the mess will still be there when things slow down a bit, and if I don't steal the remaining bits of summer that I can amidst all of the running around, it will be gone before I know it {but then there will be fall...lovely, knitterly, crispy no tears here!}.

Hope you are managing to steal a little summer for yourself...



  1. It sounds like you had a wonderful time in the sure looks lovely with your son in his swim ring. My son did a lot of bathing this summer too. :))

    I totally recognise what you say about a family going in all directions, when everyday life sets in again. So many things to attend. I always miss my family terribly when the holidays are over...

    I hope that you will have a lovely weekend with your loved ones. :)

  2. Love the granny squares. I think I may know what it's going to be - a big hug for someone to wrap themself up in!

  3. What a lovely smile! So glad you all had fun in the mountains....try and keep some of that peace now you are back and running again....Look forward to seeing more of your crochet project, I'm busy catching up with what everyone has been getting up to :D
