
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Phoning it in...

Hello there,
I'm going to be trying a little experiment here on my poor languishing blog...posting via my iPhone. Despite countless good intentions and I-want-to-blog-that moments, I haven't, for various reasons, made my way to the computer. I have, however been tweeting {by phone} more than ever {and loving it}. So after much lamenting and with some much appreciated help and a gentle nudge from my DH, I have decided to try a new approach. With the aid of my trusty iPhone, I'm hoping to make short, little posts here and there that capture a moment of my day. So what am I doing today?
Knitting {try to contain your surprise}...

...a little lace in the round...mmmm {variations of a pattern that I'm hoping to release this summer}.
And this...

...facing my nemesis. I kind of love these little guys~from perky yellow flower to fluffy puff ball, and good in a salad to boot~but oh what they do to my garden! How can something so whimsical be so pernicious? Go figure.
...And so my friends, the experiment begins! Fingers crossed!
tah-tah for now!
ps~okay not such a short post~need to work on that ; )
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Nice to see you blogging again. Missed reading your posts. <3

  2. Welcome back, Alison! You've been missed.

  3. Thanks guys! It's definitely nice to be back!

  4. Hello! Nice to see you - love the knitting, hope the experiment works :D
