
Friday, December 30, 2011

savoring and a little snow...

Snow. Finally.
This is what greeted us as we opened the front door this morning.
We woke to lovely big fat snow flakes this morning. And they're still falling fast. I couldn't be happier.

Love, love, love snow.

It is shaping up to be my favorite kind of day, perfect accomplishing all of the things on my to- do list.
My list is full to bursting today. My sweet girl leaves for a term abroad in Africa on Thursday (yes, this Thursday!!....breathe, breathe, breathe), and between now and the time of her departure I have just a few errands and lots of cozying to do. So things may quiet here for a bit. I don't have to tell you that, like the weather outside today, my emotions are all a flurry right about now.  So, so much to feel and me with no elegant or pithy way to put it into words.  Suffice it to say that I am focusing my full attention on preparations and savoring.  I'm just trying to stay in the moment and I'm enjoying all of my dear ones within an arm's reach—savoring and relishing actually.
Wherever today takes you I'm wishing you the loveliest of days, full of warmth, joy, peace and contentment.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Oh how exciting (both snow and Africa!) and emotional (probably not the snow in that case...) I will be thinking of you...enjoy all those hugs and this special magical snowy time xxx
