
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

So elfish...

Advent Day 7!
Meet Crumpet. He's taking a wee break from toy making to help us decorate the house and get our holiday cheer on.

As you can see he's quite an adventurous little elf...

And I think Crumpet has a rather irreverent sense of humor. I'm not sure what he just said to the lad but apparently it was shocking...

I can tell it'll be all I can do to keep these two out of trouble today :)

Hope your day is happy!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. So adorable! (that's both of them! :D )

  2. Too. Darn. Cute. Love your little creatures, Alison.

    Also, I thought you'd be happy to know that in my inbox today from Amazon, they suggested that I would like your book Fairy Tale Knits. I do, I do!

    Have a wonderful, creative day.
