
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Girasole... of my all time favorite Italian words...turning to the sun.  Even though I love and indeed crave and revel in grey days full of cozying, I am a heliotrope to my core.  But sunshine comes in all forms and fall means a lap full of colorful yarn and warmth from the oven baking something yummy.  Every year when the first hints of fall appear I am convinced that it must be my favorite season, but then I start thinking of the snow that is to come and get so excited for winter.  And is there anything more exciting than those first few hints of green after a winter of white...Or anything more lovely than a string of lazy summer days stretching out before you?  I think I just love the change.  Having grown up in southern Texas where the seasons are there but are so subtle, I find each change so exciting.  No matter that I have spent the whole of my adult life in four season locales, I still find it new and thrilling every time.  So here we are in Vermont with the promise of fall in the air and the remnants of summer still hanging on.  I am loving the grey misty mornings that greet us each morning with the clouds hugging the mountains outside my window...loving it!  As the day progresses it's always a mystery...will we get a last gasp of summer or a preview of fall? to pack the rain jackets and layer up just in case.  And today? is a view of my morning so far.  Out the front door...

 Good morning glory...
Hello sunshine...
 And into the garden...

 ...where the gifts of summer still abound.  Altogether wonderful these days of transitioning.  I'll get back to blogging about knitting and things crafty but for now, a big thank you for indulging me as I transition into our new life here in sabbaticaland.  Wishing you a sunny day!...



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