
Friday, December 14, 2012

All you need is love...

Happy Friday and Advent day 14!! Look who flew in for the occasion!...

This little lovebird perched himself right on stocking number 14 of our Advent garland. He's pretty cute, no?


Too cute?...Maybe, but if so I blame that little perky little puffin from yesterday. Obviously I can embrace cute but generally try to stop short of cutesy. Okay, okay, I know. I didn't say I was very good at it ;-) Anyway, I could feel my resistance to the cute weakening while I was working on Puff. I kept thinking, "Oh dear, here we go. This could be a slippery slope."

And indeed it was. This lovebird is fully in the cute camp and may even be from Cutesy. Right?

Yep...pretty much. Oh well. I'm okay with it because he really does make me smile. Okay, I can't help it. I kind of love him. I think he would be perfect for Valentine's day. He's another good beginner feltie~easy shaping and fun to make.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of all good things!




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