
Friday, December 7, 2012



Just a quick little post today. Guess who flew in to help us welcome the seventh day of advent?...this little bluebird of happiness...


This was my first real go at needle felting and I have to say that I haven't quite got it down yet.

Just a warning~needle felting can be really dangerous for any closet perfectionists out there. I had such a hard time letting go of this little bird. I kept thinking I'd just work on one more area and then he'd be done, and then after that I would say the same thing again. This went on for quite some time before I finally had to let him fly {I don't care to mention how much time was involved here~suffice it to say a lot}. He's still not perfect, but I've decided that learning to live with that might actually be good for me. There are definitely more needle felted friends in my future {good thing my family likes sandwiches}, although I'm thinking that sticking to the blobbier shaped animals might be a good plan for now {they don't like sandwiches that much}.

Here's hoping that you are having a happy Friday and that your weekend is off to a fantastic start! I'm going to be spending mine doing a little wooly gardening.

How about you?




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