
Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Thar be stars on thar' Starbelly Sneetches~nary a one can be found round here {though I do love that story~give it up for Dr. Seuss!}...and yay to stars!  Advent Day 4 is brought to you by this wooly star...
Oh dear...these pics.  Not so good.  Please forgive and understand that all of this is happening with my phone veeeerrry early in the morning.  Before the school bus.  That would be before 6:30 AM. I'll have to get some better photos with my real camera at some point because these shots are just not doing the cuteness of these stars justice.  In the meantime, I hope you get the idea.

The pattern is another gem from Lucy and the beloved Attic 24 {have you checked it out yet?'s a bright and happy place, yes?!}.  My gracious that girl is such a talented and generous soul {yes this pattern is free}.

I really loved making this little ornament ~ rather addictive actually.  It starts out as a bauble like this one on my left leg...
And then the points are added.  Lacking in bitty bells or spare buttons, I just put french knots on the points of my star, but you could definitely go all out with this one if you wanted.  I'm thinking constellations of these beauties might be just what our tree needs to keep it from becoming too precious.  All those cute crochet critters I'm planning could leave our tree looking rather cutesy and saccharine sweet if I'm not careful.  I think these stars and some baubles will give our tree...a certain I don't know what but something good.

And on another note, look what arrived in the mail yesterday...
!!!!...Ten lovely books from Potter Craft!!!
I won a mini library of craft books!  {insert happy dance here} Sooo exciting!  I literally never win anything and I can't believe my fortune.  I'm thanking my guessed it...stars. Oh groan~sorry~had too.  Anyway, I cannot wait to pore over these texts.  I can tell already that they are packed full of crafty inspiration.  Maybe some of it might eventually appear here or in someone's Christmas stocking.  It could happen...but not if I don't get to the making.  So here I go...

Happy, happy Tuesday to you!


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