
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Aaarrrr...there be yarn here...

Avast me lovelies...Happy September 19th!...aye maties 'tis International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

No, I did not make this up...we discovered this fun day a few years back and my crew was immediately all over it.  Around these parts (or should I say port) it is mainly just an excuse to swagger around and growl "aaaarrrrrr" a lot, not to mention a golden opportunity for countless bad piratey puns...what's not to love?!

In honor of this fun, if geeky, holiday I will be initiating the next yarn and book give-away.  I will be giving away a signed copy of Fairy Tale Knits along with the yarn to make either the pirate sweater or the pirate lass dress/jumper.  The yarn is Tahki Cotton Classic.  The sweater is a comfy slouchy style and is sized for children from 12 months to 8 years (finished chest measurements from 26" to 35").

The dress/jumper has a fitted bodice and full skirt and is sized from 6 months to 5 years (finished chest measurements from 18" to 26").

This contest will remain open until Wednesday, September 30th.  Just leave a comment to this post or  leave a comment in any of the upcoming posts this month mentioning that you are interested in participating in the give-away and I will add your name to the drawing.  We will hold a random drawing for the winner on Thursday, October 1st.  If you do enter, please be sure to leave some way for me to contact you (email, blog address, etc.) just in case you are the winner.

Well that's all for now dearies.   I'm off to get me mum—she be visitin' this week (oops...sorry, slipped back into character).  Anyway, yay!...I can't wait to see her...I love having my mom around.  We are all very excited around here, even if it does mean grumbling about getting rooms clean and what-not.  I hope you all have a great weekend full of swashbuckling adventure and lots of fun!...xoxoAlison


  1. What a generous offer. The photos look so adorable! I would LOVE to win a signed copy of your book, along with the yarn to make the Pirate Sweater, and my swashbuckling 7-year old son would be over the moon with this under the Christmas tree! If I happen to be the lucky winner, you'll find me on Ravelry as "kittyli". Cheers!

  2. Wow! I would really like to be entered to win a copy of your book. You can either contact me through Ravelry (sew42mom) or at my sewing blog.

  3. This is great--sign me up =)
    tklritchie on Ravelry is preferred for contact (this is a group blog account for school, and therefore not at all good for contact)

  4. Ahoy, me Capitan, sure and I'd love to dress me wee swashbuckler of a granddaughter in the Pirate dress for when she's on the High Seas.
    And to peruse the book, of course. Ye wont hafta shanghai me neither.
    Thanks from knitknana on Ravelry.

  5. Arrrgg!! :D

    I would love to be entered! This is so generous and awesome, and the book looks like too much fun! Having a signed copy of such an amazing book would be incredible!

    You can contact me on Ravelry (butterflykyss) or on my blog (Stitchsanity.blogspot)

  6. ahoy, matey! what a treasure chest of fun! have a great time with your mom; today hana and i had a great day with my mom...


  7. You are awesome for being so generous! Wish I could pull off that pirate dress but I'll have to leave it up to my two wee ones (they have perfect pirate initals even... GIRH and AARH)!

    In case I am so lucky to be contacted "foofymonkey" on ravelry.

  8. Yippeee! Another opportunity to win your book and some yarn! I've been wanting to make the pirate lass dress/jumper since I first saw the pictures in your book.

    I am WifeMomKnitter on Ravelry.

  9. One of my best friends just had a little girl and she is my consultant on all things pirate (the friend, not the little girl). She and her husband even used to own a boat named "Pirate" (they swear it had the name before they bought it, I'm not so sure). Anyway, I'd love to win your prize and knit the dress for her baby. Thanks a lot - the book looks wonderful!

  10. I love your contest! I gave my 5yo a pirate bday party this year and we had so much fun! (link to some pictures in case you're interested ) Did you know there is a website where you can find out what your pirate name is? It's
    and really funny!
    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
    Scurvy Gums Ann Marie

  11. I would love to be entered in your contest and I agree with everyone else that you are truly amazing and generous for doing this for us.I would love to make the dress for my 3yr old granddaughter who loves all things piraty.She has a great imagination. My name is queenbeeamy on ravelry.Thanks so much.

  12. sounds like a great holiday to observe, we need more parties!

  13. Yarr? I'll try this again (sorry if this is a double posting for me, I don't think the original posted). I'd love to enter your contest! I'm Teenuh on Ravelry. :)

  14. Iwould love to enter this contest (Your book is on my wishlist for christmas). I'm ermellina on ravelry. Thanks for being so genersous. argh.

  15. Ahoy there matey! I would love to make the sweater for my 4 swabbies, and the little lass!
    Should I be so lucky my Ravelry name is beckers1975us.
    PS - I've got the Hansel and Gretel in my queue and Fair Tale Knits is in the mail!!! :-)

  16. AARRRRRRHHHHH Matey- e do love us a good pirate around these parts. Please include me (Deb) in your draw-I can be emailed through this here- debDOTseanATsympaticoDOTca/ Ahoy there matey-

  17. I'd love a signed copy of your beautiful book! Very generous!

    kristinfitzgerald on Ravelry

    Boston_irish1 on twitter

  18. Arr, that there looks like a crackin' good pattern.... my son (age 2) can't talk in his pirate voice without closing one eye for the "One-eyed Jack" effect! We love being pirates in this house, me hearties!

  19. Me knittin' timbers are all a-shiver waitin for me name to be pulled from Davy Jones' locker.

  20. i heard your interview on never not knitting. so i had to come over here and check out the blog. what a great book! i am interested int he give away........what fun patterns!!!

    teri p
    tpasto on ravelry

  21. I loved the dress and I hope I could have the book!

    Congrats for the precious patterns!

    kathylu98 on Ravelry

  22. I'd love to be entered in your contest! What great patterns! I love kids/babies in bold designs. And, yes, I did a little international talk like a pirate day-ing on Saturday! Who can resist? Congratulations on your book and the wonderful designs!

  23. Love the patterns, please enter my name too!

    caitlinjane on ravelry, thanks

  24. I would love to win the book and the yarn!

  25. Please enter me in the contest, I'd love to make that sweater for my little one.
    "archamanda" on Ravlery

  26. Oooh, fun!

    I don't have any children but the largest size pirate sweater would fit me with an inch of ease. o.0 Is that okay?

    You can contact me through my blog (which might be linked, I have no clue) or Ravelry, where I'm LucyIris.

  27. I want to be a pirate when {if} I grow up! Can the patterns be resized to fit grandmas?
    Your patterns are AWESOME!!
    Ravelry ID GardenPurl

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I found your blog via Never Not Knitting and am so glad I did. Your book is adorable!

    -Lauren on Ravelry

  30. How Fun, I just started the pirate dress ad ordered the yarn for several other projects from the book! My kids love it. Question, do you have a mockup of the sword? My oldest loves it, and I want to have one cut for him!

    -knittin on Ravelry

  31. I would love to have your book! Thank you so much for the chance to win it! God bless you and your awesome creativity! Kathy from Savannah kathybohan AT

  32. What a cool giveaway. I'd love to be counted in ;-)

  33. Just listened to your interview on Never Not Knitting. It was so fun to listen to you talk about the process of designing for and writing your book. The pirate wear is great! Count me in for the contest.

    Barb G
    aka gunflintknitter on ravelry

  34. Your book looks really interesting! I'd like to make the dress for my baby pirate lass, Marrrrgaret.

    kalamansi on ravelry

  35. Oh, what a fun knitting project!

    We have celebrated Talk Like A Pirate day for several years now. Usually it means a "shipwrecked" supper (no silverware!) and a lot of sea shanties.

    ejziegler on ravelry

  36. Arrrrr matey,
    I would be so happy to win your fantastic book! Especially signed by the mother of a real pirate!
    My Ravelry name is Deediebird
