
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stitchin' the days away...

I have been enjoying a rare visit with one of my favorite mom is here!  We have been sharing contented moments sitting and talking and eating and talking and eating, oh and did I mention talking and eating?  There has been some stitching thrown in for good measure and lots of laughter.  I am loving it!...each second of this time is so precious to me.

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful comments on my last post!  Reading them has been so much fun! all of that piratey goodness out there!  I will back to posting next week, but for now please feel free to leave a comment and enter the book and yarn give away (it's going on until the end of September).  I will be checking in here and checking my email if you have any questions about the give away or need to contact me. 

Hope you are having a wonderful to get back to the chatting, and it's almost time to eat again!...


  1. I was browsing around in Ravelry and on a whim searched your name and found the new book! I am over the moon excited for you!! The designs are beautiful and amazing, of course. I've recently shed some of my volunteer commitments and I'm sure I need to spend some of my "extra" time with you at the shop! Hope to catch up with you soon.

  2. Gena!...I have looked for you on Ravelry too...where are you? It's so good to hear from you!...can't wait to reconnect!
