
Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Friday!...

Hello Friday...when did you get here?...that seems to be the way of things lately.  Where does the time go?...all of a sudden I am so aware of how fleeting these days are.

This afternoon I am taking off with my girl for the first on our list of fall college can that be?  This is such an exciting time full of anticipation and  joy and, of course, a little bittersweet too—we aren't even going to get into how much I am going to miss having her around next year.  No, I am not going to go into that—not now anyway.

Before I head out the door, I thought I would leave a little something for your viewing pleasure...a link to a wonderful video (for some reason they've disabled the embed link on YouTube) about the gorgeous knits of Oleana and designer Solveig Hisdal.  I have long loved Hisdal's book of, Poetry in Stitches—a collection of hand knitting designs, sadly out of print.

The video is about the work of Oleana, how the company was founded, what their ethos and aesthetic is, their designers and workers, and it is full of color and inspiration.  The scenery is jaw-droppingly gorgeous—I want to go—and music and the Norwegian make for lovely listening.  This short film gives me a lot to think about, both about knitting and about business practices in this country and beyond.  I could watch it over and over, trying to soak up every little detail—beautiful!  I hope you enjoy it!

Have a relaxing and restorative weekend!  I'll be thinking about you!...Alison

A quick reminder...the drawing for the book and yarn give-away will remain open until next Wednesday, September 9th!...Just leave a comment on the post from Thursday, September 3rd to enter! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the Oleana video. Very inspiring. Hope your book will work well.
