
Thursday, September 3, 2009

A walk in the woods and a basket of goodies...

Thanks so much to all of you who left comments yesterday! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your warm wishes and how very much each and every comment means to me—thank you. In addition, I am thrilled to hear that there is interest in a book/yarn give away!...yay!

I just got back from a short walk. It is truly beautiful here right all the shades of green and how the light filters through the trees...

So to celebrate this beautiful day, the waning of summer, and the roses that are still gracing my garden, I would like to share this basket of goodies with you...

This gift will include yarn for the Flower Fairy Cloche and a signed copy of Fairy Tale Knits (to view a gallery of patterns included in the book click on the image of the Cinderella dress in the side bar). This is the hat that Alana and I discussed on Episode 23 of the Never Not Knitting podcast. This hat is knit in the round, has an I-cord hat band and is festooned with roses and leaves.

The Details ~
If you are interested in this offering, please leave a comment to this post by Wednesday, September 9th. On Thursday, September 10th, we will choose a winner at random and send the package!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

ps—If you commented on yesterday's post, you will automatically be included in this drawing : )


  1. Darling! I know someone who could make beautiful things happen with this gift.

    Happy blogging! :)

  2. Alison, this looks like a beautiful book and the basket of yarn...enticing. Maybe I'll win it!
    Ana Huron
    13134 Rinaldi Rd.
    San Antonio, FL 33576

  3. I wanna be a Pirate Boy, Mom wants to be a Mermaid! Everything is just as cute as can be. Congratulations on the book.

  4. Wow! Love the stunning pictures. I'm in awe of your amazing designs and the little basket in the woods makes me look forward to Spring here in Australia!
    Just lovely.

  5. I have just found your blog but I absolutely love your knits...who that is an amazing hat!

  6. I've been drooling over all the patterns in the books since I saw them on Rav. I love every one them, and thank you fo doing so many cute boy patterns.

  7. Your book looks awesome ;o) thanks for a peek!!!

  8. Your book looks amazing, you must feel so proud! Congratulations!

  9. I love the hat and with 4 granddaughters, I can certainly use both book and yarn! Thank you for having such a wonderful contest.

  10. You did a great job making that yarny basket look enticing! I had forgotten about this hat~ it must be on my list to knit. My girlies thank you! :o)

  11. I love all of the patterns, I just can't decide what to make first for
    my granddaughter.

  12. I love your work. The Snow Queen Sweater coat is just darling, hope to see your book locally some day!

  13. I heard about your book on Never Not Knitting podcast. Congratulations! The patterns are great! I look forward to making several of the projects! Great idea for a book!

  14. Nice to see more projects from the book. And beautiful hollyhocks!

  15. Can't wait to see the book in person. Loved your interview at never not knitting;

  16. What a beautiful book with such lovely unique patterns!

  17. A beautiful book. It is visually stunning. Your designs are timeless. I also enjoyed the podcast with Alana!

    Boston_irish1 on twitter

  18. I love those pictures from the book. I also love your podcast. I am always knitting too
    Tammy aka Pinkylee

  19. I love the patterns in the book. they are dreamy and fun.

  20. What a beautiful site (sight also)! I just found your blog and absolutely love it. Love, love, love your photos. Your book looks really pretty set up in a little basket. Are the children yours? Beautiful. Suzanne

  21. I really enjoyed your interview on Never Not knitting. What a beautiful book, the patterns are great fun. I look forward to seeing more...


  22. Your designs are gorgeous! Well done on the publication of them.

  23. oh wow on the boy sweaters! Love the book- hope to get it for my birthday (have been dropping hints to the husband, i know it's past september 9th :P )
