
Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Over the last few days I have gotten to play with two things that most knitters I know have been loving for a long time...Ravelry and Malabrigo...oh what I've been missing.
Raveling...I joined Raverly awhile ago, but I was in the middle of writing my book and just generally busy with the doings of family and such, so I didn't really do much exploring. Plus I'm a little fearful of social media in general. You see I am a bit of a luddite and spending time in front of a computer when I could be knitting just didn't make sense to me, also I was afraid that it might just "take over my life." I'll explain...I'm the girl who had a Facebook account for exactly three minutes. At the urging of friends and family, my dear husband walked me through the process joining Facebook. Within 60 seconds (literally), I had a friend request from a far-flung friend. I absolutely panicked. I think I said something like, "I don't have time for this...this is going to be one more thing I'll have to do and that I'll feel guilty about when I don', no, no...take me off! tell Nick I'm sorry and I'll call him later!" And so my husband graciously (if laughingly) obliged. And so, I have been wary of Ravelry and protective of the time that it might suck out of my life. But now I am eating my words. Recently I have spent a little time there and I have seen some amazing, truly inspiring things and had some wonderful interactions with knitters (old friends and new) that I am treasuring. I know—duh, it's what everyone has been talking about all this time—but it's new for me and I am loving it! So thank you, thank you dear Ravelers. I look forward to meeting many more of you and playing in the future!

And for now this...
Oh my still my heart. I love you, Malabrigo Merino the colors, the texture, the fabric it produces, all of it. Of course, this yarn is not a Johnny-come-lately. I've seen it before and have been hearing about it for ages, but it just never made it into my knitting basket. All that is changed! This yarn is gorgeous in the hank, on the needles and knitted up. There is definitely so much more of this in my future. Right now I am working on a little jacket—a button will figure prominently in this design—and am loving it, so quick, so fun and so soft! I will try to get the pics for this and a pattern up by the middle of the month. Have a great Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alison, I know what you mean about the computer, social media, etc... yet here we are, yes? I guess we can appreciate it as well.
    I love the Malabrigo worsted yarn too! I used it for both of the hats I knit for my girls this summer, and the pink in your picture is what Chloe requested at the yarn shop for her winter hat. It will coordinate nicely with the pink scarf she is knitting for herself. Looking forward to seeing the little jacket!
