
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

New Friends...

Recently I had the great pleasure of chatting with Alana Dakos of Never Not Knitting. Alana is an wonderfully talented designer, so I was thrilled and honored when she invited me join her on episode 23 of her podcast to discuss my book, Fairy Tale Knits (you can view a gallery of designs from the book on my side bar). Now, I am kind of a shy person (until you get to know me or put me in front of a computer screen apparently—then not so much) and this is my first foray into publishing, so I was kind of surprised by the invitation and, to be honest, a little nervous about it, but Alana is so easy to talk, she made it really fun...thanks Alana! looks like the book is officially out there now!—still amazed by that— and to celebrate I would like to host a few give-aways. I have never done this before, so I'm not sure if there is any interest out there, but I thought I would offer a few signed copies of the book, as well a signed copy paired with the yarn for one or two patterns included in the book. If you are interested and would like to enter any of these, please leave a comment and check back here in the next day or two for details!

Happy knitting all!...Alison


  1. Congratulations on your book! I stumbled across your blog via Ravelry. You're designs are so sweet. Please add my name to the give-away.

  2. I listened to you this morning on the Never Not Knitting podcast. You didn't sound nervous at all!

    As usual, Alana is going to make me want to spend money~ this happens every 2 weeks when the podcast goes live. Now I need your book! But a give-away would work, too. ;o)

    I have 2 little girls who would love most everything in the book. I'm not letting them look at it yet. I have several young nephews and nieces who will need fun Christmas gifts. And even my 12yo son loves the Chain Mail sweater! I feel some sizing up coming on. :o)

    I can't wait to see the book in person. It looks lovely!

    Now I'm off to find out about this geocaching you mentioned a few days ago. How fun!

  3. I saw your book at our local barnes and noble a few days ago. What a beautiful book with stunning patterns. I was so glad to find a link to your blog on Never Not Knitting. I would love to win an autographed copy.

  4. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. I was MORE than happy to pass the word along about your book and I would love to win a copy of the book.

    I'm WifeMomKnitter on Ravelry.

  5. Alison, Your book seems like it will be absolutely lovely. Fairy Tales and knitting, two such wonderful things! Congratulations on your book accomplishment!

  6. I would love to win the book or book/yarn combo!!! :) I guess who wouldn't!? I've been eyeing a few patterns from it already on Ravelry! And congratulations on such a beautiful book!

  7. Love the idea for the book and the peeks I have seen online :) I have a toddler that I look forward to sharing Fairy Tales with - I'm excited about the idea for a knitting book that would create another connection for us! What a wonderful giveaway!
    (I'm nutmegknitter on ravelry)

  8. Loving your creations :)

    Congratulations on the book - can't wait to see it....and autographed copy would be super special :-)

    jodesisme on Rav
