
Sunday, March 21, 2010


Aaahhhh! feels soooooo good!   Okay, yes it's true, my house is a mess...yes, that garden needs to be raked and tended...yes, there are so many shoulds on my list right now, but for this moment it's time to exhale, to breathe deep, to bask and enjoy... 
A patch of sun...
Habu in my fingers...
Wondering at and admiring the growing bit of cloth that will become my "Kusha Kusha" scarf {knitted with merino wool and silk stainless steel yarn...crazy but so lovely!}
Seeing old friends who have popped up to say hello {and remembering the chubby toddler hands that planted said friends}...
And the company of the sweet pup who keeps watch over it all...
...Much to enjoy indeed!

Wishing you sunny spring days and blue skies...


ps—To you sweet knitters, thanks for the interest in the neck wrap from my last post!  I will be making the pattern available—it's in the works!


  1. Oh good, I actually did a Ravelry search looking for that pattern thinking I had missed something :). BTW, those are some super cute shoes!

  2. Ditto on the shoes compliment, dear friend! Spring peeked in around here, then thought the better of it, but it will be back! sad to know i'll miss the students' pedicured toenails, emerging like the first crocuses of spring. :-)

  3. Oops! What did I click? It must be a first-Monday-after-Spring-Break thing! I was trying to say what interesting material....stainless steel yarn? I think I must check some of this out in person. Your scarf is looking beautiful and how wonderful that you were relaxing outside too!

    Happy Monday! :)

  4. Okay, so now you must be thinking, that gal is a nut! What is she talking about! I was trying to post when I clicked who knows what and had my comments disappear and a little yellow sign say, "your comment was published".

    If my first attempt to post really did disappear into cyberland, I was saying I'm glad to see that Spring has popped for you all too! :)

  5. Hiya! I have a kusha kusha kit too, still un-knit though... How are you finding it to knit? Is the number part crazy?
    I'm glad you got some relaxation to fit into your first weekend of spring! Do you smile everytime you look at those candy-apple shoes?! Lurve them. :)
    xo - Annri

  6. Hi everyone!
    Thanks for the shoe love. I love that red patent dearly—what is it about red shoes?...they are so happy-making.
    Annri, of course you have a kusha kusha (lol), I would expect no less {and can I say that I love that}. The pattern is pretty simple, thankfully—as you know, some of the habu patterns take a little getting used to, but this one is really easy—only down side is it's a little time consuming and tedious {a whole lot of stockinette}. I keep telling myself that the end result will be so lovely that it's worth it.

    Happy spring!


  7. Beautiful spring time photo's! Enjoy your exhale - it looks good :D

  8. is good beautiful.
    mebel jepara berkualitas

    pengen punya kerajinan tangan yang unik dan antik dengan harga terjangkau sertadibuat oleh pengrajin kota Jepara Jawa Tengah????? temukan kerajinan-kerajinan tersebut hanya di mebel jepara berkualitas

    mebel dan aksesoris jepara berkualitas
