Week one of school down! This has been one busy week, full on new experiences, last minute errands, adjustment to the return of a schedule, some real highs and a few minor set backs. Everyone is surviving the end of summer nicely and all seem to be relatively happy...and after all what more could a mother ask for?
For me, the dip that my mood usually takes when the summer ends and I have to send my babes back to school has been greatly lessened by the arrival of my book and the wonderful moments I have been privileged to enjoy with friends and family seeing it for the first time. It has been so much fun—I really am a lucky, lucky girl. I can't wait to share more of the book, but today I thought I'd give you a glimpse into my world...
The bump in the road this week has been my back. I have some off-again, on-again issues there and just when I was gearing up to get back into my own routine—a dozen projects at once and me running around like a crazy woman—my back said no, and so I have been a little sidelined these past few days—not something I'm good at—it is easy for me to get very frustrated very fast when this happens. But today, for now, I am having a moment of grace. Maybe it was Gratitude Friday over at waldorf mama, but this morning when I came downstairs and saw this (all in just the first two rooms that I entered—I'll let you imagine what the rest of the house looks like)....
and this...
and this...
and this...
and even this...
I didn't go ballistic, instead I thought aren't I so fortunate to be living with such talented, interested, and interesting people. Musicians, fly fishermen, a juggler, makers, bakers, and readers who are interested in so many things. Okay, I have to be honest here, I am not a neatnik, I can live with considerable chaos, but I do get to a point where it's just too much (we are there now) and then I'm likely to say something like, "This house is at sixes and sevens!...we can't live like this!" and then everyone else feels lousy. So I love it when grace tiptoes in and I can see the forest and the trees...a rare and special thing. I will take this moment of gratitude and enjoy it and after breakfast—my little guy wants to make the waffles "by myself" today for the first time—we will attend to this mess with full tummies and happy hearts (before mom goes to the bad place). Hope your day is filled with a happy tummy, a happy heart and grateful moments.
what a great perspective! i vaguely remember when our house was spare and tidy, but that might have been a dream. now it's happy and haphazard, and i'm good with that - most of the time!
I can so relate! Be encouraged~ you're not the only one...